The rhythm, a flywheel jumping as fuel ignites in the piston, then slowly relaxing. A coil of copper wire, which, an unintended microphone, catches the jump in amplitude, then passes it on to the light’s filaments, which glow brighter for a moment, then dim again. There is this unexpected sensitivity and incidental character in all machines, no matter how simple or provisional.
In March 2013, pig carcasses began to be discovered floating in the Huangpu, the smaller of the two rivers that proceed through Shanghai.
By the 21st, 10,570 carcasses had been pulled from the river, with a further 5,525 pigs discovered in upstream tributaries around Jiaxing.
As for where the pigs came from, what happened to them, and who was responsible, no clear statement was issued.
“Alan Solomon had curated a whole painting show for the US Pavilion in Montreal. He basically asked all the artists for work that could be hung vertically, would hold up visually in a giant geodesic terrarium, and would pretty much only be seen from an escalator.” – Greg Allen (2013)
“The family Gerridae [PONDSKATERS] is physically characterized by having hydrofuge hairpiles, retractable preapical claws, and elongated legs and body. … [and] use the high surface tension of water to remain on its surface.” – en.wikipedia.org/Gerridae (2021)
“To bring bitumen from Canada’s Oil Sands to market requires transportation over sensitive boreal environments via rail, truck, and pipeline… The physical component of oil was observed to be the likely driver of pleuston [PONDSKATER] immobility and mortality.” – Tyler Andrew Black (2019)
“The tip of the inverted obelisk touches the apex of the pyramid, ‘just as’ the finger of God touches that of Adam on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel” – Lyotard, tr. Bennington, Bowlby (1993)
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“I was once working with a customer who was producing on-board software for a missile. In my analysis of the code, I pointed out that they had a number of problems with storage leaks. Imagine my surprise when the customers chief software engineer said”Of course it leaks”. He went on to point out that they had calculated the amount of memory the application would leak in the total possible flight time for the missile and then doubled that number. They added this much additional memory to the hardware to “support” the leaks. Since the missile will explode when it hits it’s target or at the end of it’s flight, the ultimate in garbage collection is performed without programmer intervention.”
“those chunks of molten iron which we draw from the furnaces and cast into the teeth of cylinders that turn more rapidly than the wind. These furnaces emit a liquid fire that, in its boiling and heaving, throws off a shower of glowing drops into the air; and from the teeth of the cylinder, iron emerges drastically reduced. We too, in truth, are hard pressed like these masses of iron.”
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Some of the first computers found their employment in performing the myriad calculations of the Manhattan project, and the first monolithic integrated circuit found its first customer in the US air force, whose missile guidance systems pushed the limits of both raw power, and miniaturization.
“Had Hegel’s philosophy of history embraced this age, Hitler’s robot-bombs would have found their place beside the early death of Alexander and similar images, as one of the empirically selected facts by which the state of the world-spirit manifests itself directly in symbols. Like Fascism itself, the robots career without a subject. Like it they combine the utmost technical perfection with total blindness. And like it they arouse mortal terror and are wholly futile. – “I have seen the world-spirit,” not on horseback but on wings and without a head, and that refutes, at the same stroke, Hegel’s philosophy of history.”
Adorno’s awareness in this fragment of Minima Moralia, presumably written at some point between 1944 and 1949, is so sharp that it prefigures the symbol that the cold war era pivoted upon - the H-bomb. Wernher Von Braun, largely responsible for Hitler’s robot bombs, transitioned smoothly into building robot bombs in New Mexico, finally producing the world’s first nuclear ballistic missile.
boom town
noun(c) /ˈbuːm ˌtaʊn/
-a town undergoing rapid growth due to sudden prosperity.
“The first reported hanging in Butte was a Chinese miner hung by Dan Haffie because the Chinaman seemed to be getting all of the luck in the diggings on Silver Bow Creek. There is no record of whether Haffie’s luck improved after he hung his Chinese neighbor.”
Post-internet art was coined, at least in part, to describe a new phase of the internet as a cultural force - the internet as a banalized norm.
This, I think, is crazy. We are to the internet what the first cave-painter to draw an elk was to painting. The last years have been years of tumult, torment even, and it’s not escaped anybody’s notice that these upsets have been in part, driven by the internet.
The internet is less like another channel of discourse, and more like a tick - a tumor, burrowed under the world’s skin, pushing the plates apart. Driotcore is absolutely right when he calls our era ‘proto’, and I think wildly optimistic when he says that ‘proto’ might be ‘proto’ to some kind of late-left fantasy.
Under capitalism, discourse is structured so that violence is invisible. If it reaches us at all, it comes through dry statistics, atomized experience, or anecdotal accounts.
For this reason, violence occurs as an inexplicable irruption: a senseless fight, a riot that comes from nowhere, a burned car, a dead body you discover in the back yard.
One of the main problems facing printmakers who want to work on metal plates is the cost of everything involved, from the plates (copper, zinc), to the printing machine itself.
BACKGROUND: There are a great many texts[^1] that talk about how, even by simple presence in a city, a sense of freedom is produced.[^2] This freedom comes in two components: first, the freedom from the basic violence of nature. Second, the freedom from the oppressive family structure, invasive community organization, and violence of traditional farm life.[^3]
The first and second points are perhaps underlying the creative vibrancy of cities. Freed from the grueling demands of agriculture, and the geographical isolation of rural community, cities have consistently been powerful sites of technical and cultural innovation.